Inventory and Market Report – 2/23/08

Zip Codes: 91006, 91007market_icon.jpg

Current Market Listings as of February 16th, 2008
Properties for Sale: 247 (-1)*
Median Listing Price: $779,000 (+3.2%)*


Foreclosure Updates as of February 16th, 2008
Properties in Foreclosure: 11 (+1)*
Properties in Pre-Foreclosure:62 (-8)*
*+/- is compared to previous week’s data.

We would like to end the weekend by offering a word of support to OCRenter and the threat of lawsuit he is currently facing. As bloggers, all we do is gather publicly available information and present them to our readers. If you want more information about the subject property that OCRenter profiled and was forced to take down, check Chuck Ponzi’s site.

Property and foreclosure numbers obtained from U.S. Census, ZipRealty, Trulia, Yahoo Real Estate and Market listings obtained from DataQuick News.